Saturday, July 25, 2015


“Were not our hearts burning within us
 while he talked with us on the road . . .” 
Luke 24:32

All followers of Christ can have their own Emmaus road trip with all its possibilities.  It is not difficult to identify with the two disciples in the original story of Christ on the Emmaus road (Luke 24:13-32).  When we journey with Christ, the Scriptures come alive and communicate to us God’s perfect love, wisdom, and compassion.

It’s a old cliché: “Life is a journey.”  Its true.  Life is a social, spiritual road trip.  I have two terrific children, now adults.  Together, we love road trips.  Getting on the road and driving across country occasions a remarkable opportunity for deepening relationships.  That’s what took place in the Gospel of Luke with the two disciples on the road to Emmaus.  That’s what happens every time I pack up the car and go on a road trip.

My son is now thirty-two years old in Salvation Army ministry in Seattle.  We recently took an overnight road trip together.  Starting with the ferry from south Seattle over to the peninsula, we drove up to Port Angeles, and camped overnight in Olympic National Park.  It was a glorious day.  We made our way up to Hurricane Ridge, viewed snow covered Mt. Olympus in one direction and Victoria, British Columbia and the Canadian Rockies in the other.  Spectacular!  More spectacular was the conversation there and back.  As well as I knew my son, I now know him even more.  Even better, I know his heart, and I know much more about the nature of his walk now with the Lord.  And he knows mine.  Road trips do that. Putting time in on our spiritual road trip with Jesus does that too.

Father and Son at Hurricane Ridge
Road trips make possible deeper acquaintances.  We get to know the other(s) better.  We make new discoveries.  As the conversation deepens so the relationships deepen.  It becomes clear that there is more to the other person than we knew.  There’s always more.  

So, here’s a question.  What about your Emmaus road trip?  Where are you in your life long road trip with Jesus?  How acquainted are you with God today?  Do you know something about Jesus, or a great deal?  Do you know him personally as Lord and Savior and know him well?  Is he your intimate friend with whom you walk often, even daily, and so you are being formed and perfected in the likeness of Jesus, filled with the fullness of God by the Holy Spirit?  Wherever you are in your road trip, there's always more.

In the company of Jesus, there’s yet more blessings of God's perfect, holy love along the way.  If you’re not on the road with Him, if you've wandered off alone or in another direction, start again.  An Emmaus road trip can be yours.  He’s just waiting for you to get in step and on the road again.  The views will be glorious.  Glory to God!

If we walk in the light as He is in the light
We have fellowship with one another,
and the blood of Jesus Christ
 purifies us from all sin.

1 John 1:7

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