Sunday, June 15, 2014


How patient is God?  Thoughts about God often turn to his being almighty, sovereign, merciful, kind, forgiving, but rarely do we reflect on his patience.  God’s patience is one of the seven fruit of the Spirit which God the Holy Spirit gives to those who seek a deeper life of intimacy in holiness with him.   It is an expression of the first and overarching fruit, love.  Holy love is the essence of God and he expresses the purity of his love in a profound degree of patience. Frederick Coutts calls God’s patience longsuffering and defines it as patience with a purpose.  When we read the Bible we see the long history of mankind and the cycles of unfaithfulness and sin of God’s people. We begin to appreciate God’s longsuffering patience.  Often within a generation of repentance again and again, the people of God were back to ignoring him, forgetting his goodness and grace, and up to their ears in idolatry and sin. 

God the Father sent Jesus Christ his Son to break the cycle by way of the cross, resurrection, and gift of the Holy Spirit, the three big game changing events of human history.  But is it working as God desires or does his heart break?  I confess that in my desire to grow in grace and walk with God daily, I fail.  My failure is falling short of the mark forgetting that God is present and active in my daily life.  I find myself repeating a prayer of a dear friend years ago who prayed “Dear God, forgive us for your grace too often goes unrecognized and unacknowledged.”  That’s me.  Too often I forget, get distracted, get lazy, and loose focus.  I miss noticing and acknowledging so much of God’s grace being poured into my life.  I just don’t recognize it when it is right before me and even when I see it I am slow to respond to his loving kindness, mercy, and grace with thanks and praise. 

I now know that God is patient with us for a purpose.  He is working grace into our lives to see us filled to the measure of the his fullness (Ephesians 3:19), not just for our benefit, but to grow us into a means of grace to be used by him in bringing others to faith in him.  His purpose is to fill us with his Spirit and gift us with the fruit of his Spirit.  Then we will have greater intimacy with him and be better equipped to serve him and love others.

Forgive me Lord.  You are so patient, even longsuffering with me.  For too many years I have given you the short end of the stick. I too often missed giving you what you deserve.  You deserve my response of thanks, praise, obedience, and adoration throughout each day.  With the help of your Holy Spirit and the fullness of your presence in me, I pray that you will grow my heart to love you more dearly and follow you more nearly.  Thank you God for your amazing, remarkable patience with me.  Help me to be patient with others as you are with me.  Amen!

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