Saturday, June 28, 2014


Our lives ebb and flow. There are days when life seems so wonderful and others in which the burdens we bear seem too heavy. It is in our nature to want the times of flow to continue indefinitely.  We want the high of the mountain top experience to last forever.  But they don’t and it is to our benefit.  The waves we ride are temporary and eventually crash on the shore.  The low places of doubt, despair, and feelings of God’s abandonment may seem eternal, but never last.

In the ebb times, God is faithful and does his deepest work. It is then when He shapes us into his likeness.  He gives us holy strengthen when we lean on Him. He makes us into the people he desires us to be. Trials and tribulation can’t be avoided.  Spiritual dry spells may make us wonder if God has abandoned us or is even real.  There are also times when the biggest
question is "Why, O Lord?"  The Book of James speaks to such things.  James explicitly says be joyful when difficulties arise in our lives (James 1:2-5).  Difficulties permit our faith to be tested.  Tests develop perseverance and perseverance occasions maturity and completeness.  It sets the stage for wisdom.

In the difficult times, in spiritual dry spells, and in times of doubt about God, He is most at work shaping the clay of our lives.  We can take joy knowing that the school of hard times is the training ground of our character. When the easy times come and life seems wonderful, there’s little or no lessons nor wisdom. The tough times occasion reflection and strengthen our faith.  Take the long view.  Discover that the ebb times never last, nor do the times of flow. At all times, give thanks to God who is our sufficiency.

 “Tough times don’t last.  Tough people do.”  - Robert Schuller

“And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.” 
1 Peter 5:10.

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