Wednesday, April 23, 2014


High heights and hard knocks are all part of life’s journey.  Both are part of God’s plan for our development.  The joys of the mountain top experiences are often balanced by the challenges and struggles God permits.  Without the difficult times there would be little development of character.  When I am going through troubled waters physically or spiritually, I now know that God doesn’t honor every prayer to take away the difficulties and setbacks.  It’s because he is using those very difficult challenges to strengthen the grace He’s already given.  God’s grace includes patience, self-control, burden bearing, and long suffering.  Dietrich Bonheoffer once said that long suffering is “burden bearing with a purpose.”   Self-control, patience, and trust are critical virtues when we are bearing a burden and suffering long.  At the time God for good reasons does not always share His plan or purpose.

Samuel Logan Brengle puts it this way in his chapter entitled “In God’s School”  -  Nothing can come to us that God does not permit, and which by His grace cannot be made to work out for our higher good.  God wants to build us up in holy character, but holy character is for eternity and is many sided, and therefore must be subjected to manifold testings.  We must be taught by both pain and pleasure.  We must learn how to abound and to suffer need.  And in this we shall be plunged often from the heights to the depths, and hurled from the depths to the heights again (in Heart Talks on Holiness, p.69).

A few days ago I noticed my left leg and foot were swelling from below the knee to the toes.  After a few days of it getting worse, I finally went to the doctor’s office for help.  The suspicious swelling looked to the doctor like a blood clot in the leg.  Immediately he sent me for an ultrasound scan.  I thought, “Oh, dear Lord.  Why this and why now.”  

The opportunity for a personal high height was lost.
I was scheduled this weekend to speak at a college graduation.  The speech was written.  The plane tickets bought.  The hotel and rent-a-car were all arranged. The good news was that the ultrasound was negative, so I thought we could make the trip tomorrow and give the graduation address.  The not so good news was the swelling remained and it remained a mystery.  Today’s visit to the doctor was definitive when he said, “I don’t want you to fly.  I want you to have another ultrasound tomorrow.  You may still have a blood clot in that leg.”  Alas!  On the one hand, I am blessed by local health professionals that are in a high gear to solve the mystery.  On the other hand, I am praying for a solution and that this is not a case of literal long suffering.

Gracious Holy God my Father, thank you for your love, your care, and all the forms in which your grace is lavishly poured out into my life.  Thank you for the high and lofty heights of blessing.  Thank you too for the hassles and challenges that you permit when you desire my life to reflect great character after the likeness of your Son.  Help me remember that when the challenges include suffering and uncertainty, you help me remember the trials and tribulations Christ our Savior suffered for our sake.  I will trust you again in this crazy situation knowing that all things really do work together for good.  Thanks be to you, O Lord!


  1. Thank you for posting your thoughts and own personal struggles Jonathan. We learn so much more in the valley than on the mountain top. Hope your knee heals up quickly.

  2. I am just getting caught up on your blogs today, Jonathan. I'm so sorry to hear of your difficulties. Please know that I will keep you in my prayers for your healing of this mysterious malady! Wishing you His Love and Healing!!
