Saturday, January 2, 2016


You may not want to miss this powerful experience sponsored by Asbury University which includes a keynote address by the former international leader of The Salvation Army, General (Dr.) Paul Rader and the annual Andrew S. Miller lecture by Lt. Col. (Dr.) Timothy Foley, Divisional Commander, San Francisco.


                                           WILMORE, KENTUCKY                                              
 January 29-30

This conference supports and encourages active, dynamic discipleship in The Salvation Army.  It engages scholars and experts from various disciplines inside and outside The Salvation Army.  By sharing and connecting with other delegates, participants will be empowered to be discipled and to make disciples.  Growing Saints brings together soldiers and officers who are passionate about Corps that intentionally fulfill the Great Commission.  General John Gowans is well known for stating that the purpose of The Salvation Army is saving souls, growing saints, and serving suffering humanity.  We believe for The Salvation Army to effectively save souls and serve suffering humanity, it must steadfastly continue to do more to grow saints.  Our mission is to further that end.

Click here to register without payment (payment can be made in cash/check at registration on 1.28-29.16) 

Registration fee, $75 (early-bird discount $50, if registered by Jan. 10, 2016) includes lunch on Friday and Saturday.

There are rooms placed on hold at Asbury Inn - - Type "Growing Saints Conference" in the "additional information" field to receive discount pricing. For more information on other lodging in the area, click here


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