Wednesday, January 21, 2015


What just happened to me happens daily to millions of Christians.  We are faced with questions of priority that come down to choosing The Kingdom or the culture?  I’m sure there is a proverb somewhere that speaks to this dilemma, especially when we have a great heart for that thing in the culture that we “love” so much.

In this case for me, that “thing” is University of Kentucky basketball.  I love to watch the games each year.  When we lived in Canada for many years, my wife and I would pay extra money to get the NCAA games on TV.  A great evening or Saturday afternoon was making popcorn and watching the Kentucky Wildcats take it to the rim.  In forty-five years I have actually been to only one game.  That was in 1970 and, truthfully, I sat right behind Col. Sanders of Kentucky Fried Chicken.

Now, 45 years later my old (equally old) college roommate just called me with a ticket for tonight’s game. Kentucky's win-loss record is now 18 wins and no losses, ranked number one nationally.  This is possibly the best year they’ve ever had.  So, without a second thought, I immediately accepted the offer.  I was pleased (understatement).  I went to the kitchen and shared the good news with my wife who immediately said, “YOU CAN’T DO THAT!  YOU ARE HOSTING AND LEADING OUR TUESDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY.”   A pin just poked my balloon.  It laid limp on the kitchen floor.  Disappointment ensued.  Then came a discussion of how I could get someone to fill in for me at the Bible study.  After all, going to the game was the opportunity of a life time.  It might be another forty-five years before I could get another ticket.  It seemed settled, until . . .

I heard the quiet voice of the Holy Spirit clarifying the nature of the problem.  “What about Kingdom priorities?”  Right.  I almost forgot.  “What about the book you’ve been reading?”  I thought which one? “Desiring the Kingdom.  Remember?  It’s all about how various cultures (shopping centers, ball games, university social life) shape our desires, values, and habits; how they capture our hearts and form our character?”  And then the Spirit’s voice said, “What about the people coming to your home tonight for the Bible study?  What kind of testimony about priorities are they going to get when you bow out of a host and leader role?  What story will they go away to share, how you chose the culture over the Kingdom?”

Jesus said he would send the Holy Spirit and the Spirit would guide us into all truth.  He would convict and guide.  Well, that’s what just happened.  Given the choice of culture or the Kingdom, what would you do?  Right.  That’s what I did too!

Counsel in the heart of a man is like deep water,
But a man of understanding will draw it out.

Proverbs 20:5

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